
As a leading provider of all types of weight loss surgery, Dr. Feiz has pioneered improved ways to treat obese patients. One of the newer forms of obesity surgery, sleeve gastrectomy, has been performed on many patients by Dr. Feiz with great success. This procedure helps patients lose weight by removing approximately 85 percent of the stomach, and fashioning the remaining 15 percent into a sleeve-shape, hence the name sleeve gastrectomy. What makes this surgery unique is the fact that the part of the stomach which produces ghrelin, also called "the hunger hormone," is eliminated. Because patients experience minimal cravings and are in control of food instead of food controlling their lives, they are able to lose weight and keep it off.

Dr. Feiz is proud to offer his sleeve gastrectomy patients the STARR Treatment, only offered by a handful of bariatric surgeon in the country. This method enables Dr. Feiz to perform the procedure using only a single incision. Utilizing this method, patients not only have much less obvious scars, they also enjoy faster recovery with significantly less discomfort. The quality of Dr. Feiz' work is demonstrated in gastric sleeve before and after photo gallery, featuring real patients who have lost upwards of 100 pounds.

If you are interested in bariatric surgery and won't settle for less than the best, come in for a FREE consultation with Dr. Feiz and Associates. Schedule your appointment today to learn more about bariatric surgery and to see if you are a good candidate for sleeve gastrectomy by calling 310-855-8058. Our friendly staff is looking forward to meeting you!

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