
When most people think they weigh too much, they join a gym or eat more salads. For people who are severely obese, however, taking small steps like these are not enough. Many people who have a BMI of 40 or greater struggle all the time with keeping off excess pounds. Sometimes, rebound weight gain causes these people to develop comorbid diseases like diabetes, high cholesterol, or sleep apnea. It is very important to reach a healthy weight range, which is why Michael Feiz, M.D., F.A.C.S., founded Dr. Feiz & Associates. This convenient Beverly Hills clinic offers weight loss surgery options to qualifying patients. Whether a patient needs a gastric sleeve after Lap Band, or is curious about which weight loss options are right for them, Dr. Feiz and his team are the best choice for losing weight and keeping it off.

Most patients assume that Dr. Feiz will simply “prescribe” a procedure, but that isn’t the case. When a new patient first comes to see Dr. Feiz, he will discuss the person’s medical history, weight loss struggles, and other issues like comorbid diseases to help come up with a plan. Dr. Feiz will then recommend a weight loss surgery based on that individual’s needs, which the patient is now educated about. Whether it is the benefits of gastric sleeve vs. Lap Band, or a different procedure, Dr. Feiz makes sure that his patients are involved in the decision-making process.

Whether you need a Lap Band revision surgery, or just have questions about which weight loss surgery might be best for you, contact Dr. Feiz & Associates today at 310-817-6911

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