
Embrace Life with a Lap Band Revision Surgery from Dr. Feiz

At Dr. Feiz and Associates, we make sure that our patients undergo the ideal procedure to help them lose weight, thus enhancing their quality of life. In some cases, that might mean Lap Band surgery, while for others, a sleeve gastrectomy might be the ideal option. That's why many patients come find themselves debating Lap Band vs. sleeve gastrectomy for their own weight loss needs.

Unfortunately, in some cases, a person might make the wrong choice for their own personal weight loss needs. In these cases, Dr. Feiz and his medical team will perform a band to sleeve surgery. While a patient may find very effective weight loss after a Lap Band revision surgery, the treatment still requires a great deal of meticulous precision and surgical skill. That's why it is always wise to undergo treatment by Michael Feiz, M.D., F.A.C.S.

Widely regarded as perhaps the finest practitioner of bariatric surgery in the U.S., Dr. Feiz has performed countless gastric sleeve surgeries, as well as various other weight loss procedures. The outstanding outcomes of the surgeries Dr. Feiz performs are wholly evident in the loyalty of past patients. They know that before, during and after treatment, Dr. Feiz will remain on hand to answer questions and offer warm, comforting support.

The frustration that comes from a failed Lap Band treatment can be immense, but thanks to Dr. Feiz, there is still hope. To undergo a Lap Band revision treatment, or any number of similar surgeries, don't hesitate to get in touch with the incomparable Dr. Feiz.

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