
For people suffering from obesity, losing weight has typically been a life-long battle. Weight fluctuations, fad diets, and even regaining more weight than had been lost are near-constants in the life of someone who is extremely overweight. Michael Feiz, M.D., F.A.C.S. knows that these patients have tried almost everything to keep the weight off, without success. That’s why he started Dr. Feiz & Associates – so he could form a team of experts to help obese and severely obese patients with a comprehensive care plan that could inclusive Lap Band, gastric sleeve, or even a band to sleeve revision.

Patients know that Dr. Feiz has their health in mind when he discusses Lap Band vs. sleeve gastrectomy. These procedures are popular because they are minimally invasive, leaving few scars and allowing patients to get back on their feet faster. Dr. Feiz is even certified to perform some types of weight loss surgery with as little as a single incision, which means his patients can spend more time after their surgery focusing on becoming a healthier, happier person.

Dramatic weight loss can help patients reduce or even eliminate comorbid diseases, like type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, endocrine disorders, infertility, join and back pain, shortness of breath and sleep apnea. Many patients who work with Dr. Feiz not only lose weight, they can stop taking medications, and maintain that level of health for years to come. Please contact Dr. Feiz & Associates to set up an appointment and have all your questions regarding gastric sleeve, Lap Band, and even Lap Band revision surgery answered.

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