
Losing weight can sometimes feel like a tough battle that can’t be won. However, people all over are winning their fight against being overweight through many different weight loss options. Unfortunately for some people strict diet and daily exercise isn’t very effective at losing weight simply because their own body is working against them, making them feel hungry even right after eating. In those cases, bariatric surgery may actually be the key you need to overcome your weight problems. Dr. l Feiz and Associates are dedicated to using weight loss surgery to save lives.

The surgical option that is best for you, whether it’s lap band vs. sleeve, largely depends on personal factors, like medical history, genetics, and preference. A qualified surgeon, like widely respected bariatric surgeon Michael Feiz, M.D., F.A.C.S., can best discuss the surgical options that are best for you. Lap Band surgery creates an hourglass-like shape in your stomach to curb food cravings. Lap band revision surgery is available, as well. Gastric sleeve surgery includes actually removing a part of the stomach in order to fill you up faster.

Whether you want a gastric sleeve or band to sleeve procedure, Dr. Feiz and Associates are the top resource in Southern California for weight loss surgery. You can see results quicker than ever. If you’re ready to take the big step to becoming a healthier and happier person, contact our offices today. One of our professionals can set up a free seminar where all of your pressing questions and concerns can be answered.

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