
It’s important to do everything in your power to reach a healthy weight for a myriad of reasons. Firstly, your self-esteem is sure to rise, allowing you the confidence to take opportunities you would have passed up otherwise. Being overweight can make mobility an issues, especially since the extra weight is harmful to your knees when you so much as walk. Not to mention the various health risks associated with obesity, including diabetes, high cholesterol, and heart attack. If you haven’t seen weight loss success with diet and exercise and are starting to feel hopeless about your weight, you may want to consider weight loss surgery. Dr. Michael Feiz and Associates perform bariatric surgeries that show consistently strong results.

Among the weight loss procedures performed at Dr. Feiz and Associates are lap band, gastric sleeve, and band to sleeve surgery. The decision between lap band vs. sleeve procedures should be discussed with a qualified surgeon. Lap Band is a reversible surgery that consists of putting a band around the stomach. Especially when performed by lesser surgeons, poor results or complications may make lap band revision surgery necessary. Gastric sleeve is more radical because it involves removing a portion of the stomach, but the weight loss results are extremely reliable.

If you call the offices of Dr. Feiz and Associate today, we can set up a free consultation. You can learn about all of your surgical options, ask any pressing questions, and set up all future appointments for your procedures.

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