
Are you searching for gastric bypass doctors in Huntington Beach? Gastric bypass essentially involves dividing the stomach into a large upper pouch and smaller lower pouch, and then redirecting the intestines to drain both pouches. This is a safe and effective method for weight loss, but only when performed by capable surgeons. Here at Dr. Feiz & Associates, we stand by our proven track record; the long line of grateful patients who now enjoy a new lease on life (and a longer life, for that matter) is a testament to the diligent work of our surgical team. Dr. Michael Feiz, M.D., FACS and his esteemed colleagues have earned their reputation as some of the premier gastric bypass doctors in Huntington Beach, not just for their skills in the operating room, but also for their warm and attentive patient care throughout the entire process.

If you are interested in learning more about both the benefits and risks of gastric bypass, and about our highly trained and experienced gastric bypass doctors in Huntington Beach, we encourage you to attend a FREE seminar or schedule a FREE consultation with our team. We will stand by you from beginning to end, but the first step is yours to take. Contact us today!

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