
Are you looking for a ghrelin definition? Let’s begin with the more detailed and medical ghrelin definition (feel free to skip below for a more basic ghrelin definition). Ghrelin is a peptide and hormone that is predominately created by P/D1 cells found in the lining of the fundus area of the stomach. This hormone stimulates hunger, increasing in levels before a meal and decreasing in levels once you’ve eaten.

Now let’s talk about why the hormone ghrelin is so important to people who want to lose weight. You often feel like you’re having an internal battle with yourself, don’t you? Well, you feel that way because, in a sense, that’s exactly what is happening. The ghrelin hormone contributes to your appetite, but recent advancements in weight loss research have uncovered that existing bariatric procedures like gastric sleve surgery actually have the added benefit of dramatically reducing your ghrelin levels.

Gastric sleeve surgery, or sleeve gastrectomy, is an extremely safe and effective weight loss operation. Here at Dr. Feiz & Associates, a prestigious weight loss surgery center in Beverly Hills, CA, Dr. Michael Feiz and his team of medical professionals regularly perform the popular gastric sleeve procedure. This surgery entails removing around 75-85 percent of the stomach, and then restructuring the remaining portion in a sleeve-like shape. Part of the stomach that is removed includes the fundus, thus effectively removing the area where ghrelin is produces in large quantities.

If you would like to know more about how ghrelin works, you should contact us today to schedule a FREE consultation. You can also ask us about the sleeve gastrectomy, or about other procedures that we offer, including gastric bypass and the Lap Band. Not every patient will be an ideal candidate for every procedure; by consulting with Dr. Feiz, you can find out what approach is most suitable for you and your health.

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