
Weight loss surgery can be life-changing in a myriad of ways. Obesity can lead to a plethora of health concerns, including heart disease, stroke, sleep apnea, type 2 diabetes, and high cholesterol. It can also affect your mood, leading to depression. When you’re overweight, it can be harder to lead an active lifestyle, which can impact your ability to work, socialize, and even play with your children. A strict diet and daily exercise can help you lose weight, but at Dr. Feiz and Associates we know that it’s not always possible to get healthy without drastic measures. Weight loss surgery, from gastric bypass to lap band revision surgery is a crucial way to improve your overall health. Unfortunately, it’s not cheap.

Since weight loss surgery is so expensive, it’s very rare for somebody to be able to pay in cash. More and more healthcare insurance companies have begun to cover surgeries like gastric bypass, gastric sleeve, lap band, and band to sleeve surgery. Companies like Aetna, Anthem, and United Healthcare cover many weight loss surgeries, but have stipulations regarding a patient’s current health status. However, if your insurance doesn’t cover the potentially life-saving surgery, Dr. Feiz and Associates offer helpful financing options for many of their patients.

At Dr. Feiz and Associates we believe that becoming the healthier and happier version of yourself is vital. If you have any concerns about paying for your weight loss surgery, we are more than happy to discuss your options. Whether you want to learn about lap band vs. sleeve or discuss payment options, we are available to take your call.

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