
Losing weight with gastric sleeve surgery in Lancaster doesn’t have to be an unachievable goal, or one that you can’t afford. Dr. Michael Feiz and Associates, a sleeve gastrectomy provider in Lancaster, are able to help you get down to a healthy weight once and for all, by providing you with the necessary tools to get down to a normal weight and shed your obesity-related illnesses after years of being debilitated by them. For instance, type 2 diabetes may entail closely monitoring your blood sugar, sleep apnea often means you have to wear a cumbersome mask as you sleep to keep breathing, and joint pain from osteoarthritis can feel unbearable. The thought of exercise alone may make you feel hopeless because you can’t catch your breath even from a short walk. Dr. Feiz can help you overcome these problems.

By offering sleeve gastrectomy and lap band surgery in Lancaster, Dr. Feiz has helped innumerable patients reach their weight loss goals by not only providing the surgery they need, but the support, as well. The surgery is only one small component of the weight loss process, as it takes many months or years of support to get down to a healthy weight and adopt good habits. While some may say it only takes three weeks to adopt a new habit, Dr. Feiz knows this is not the case when it comes to healthy eating and exercise. It is like an addiction that needs consistent monitoring and management from a health professional who is in the patient’s corner, as the entire team at Dr. Feiz & Associates is.

If you want to lose weight in Lancaster but feel weight loss surgery isn’t for you, you have nothing to lose by coming in for a FREE, no-obligation consultation with Dr. Feiz and his medical team of experts. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you kick your weight problem for good.

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