
With medical costs so much on most people’s minds these days, it’s only natural for prospective bariatric surgery patients to wonder about lap band cost. As a caring and compassionate physician, Dr. Michael Feiz, M.D., FACS is concerned that all of his patients are able to afford they care they require. While, no surgical procedure is ever cheap, the good news is that the procedure is covered by many of the major health care insurers.

While many companies do, in fact, provide very decent lap band insurance, lap band cost will vary significantly among insured patients based upon the details of their particular insurance coverage.  Such matters as deductibles and levels of coverage may also be a factor in many cases.  Dr. Feiz and his excellent staff are experienced at working with insurers and smoothing over issues that may arise.

For the uninsured, or for those whose insurance does not cover lap bands or other types of bariatric surgery, paying for a procedure is obviously a far more expensive proposition. Costs may also differ significantly between procedures. For example, the costs of gastric sleeve vs. lap band procedures may differ.

Obviously, when paying out of pocket, these issues can be a matter of some concern. If you are convinced your health would significantly benefit from a procedure, it is certainly worth investigating to see if lap band cost is justified. After all, in the end, your health is in your hands.

If you would like to learn more lap band cost, please contact us today to schedule a free first consultation.

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