
About two-thirds of American adults are overweight, obese, or severely obese. For many of these people, relatively simple changes to diet and exercise will help them shed pounds and become their ideal weight. However, people who have severe obesity struggle far more to reach a healthy weight and stay there. Michael Feiz, M.D., F.A.C.S., founded Dr. Feiz & Associates to help patients just like you with weight loss procedures like Lap Band revision surgery and more. Dr. Feiz is one of the West Coast’s leading bariatric surgery experts, and the people on his team are some of the most qualified, knowledgeable professionals in this field.

With Dr. Feiz & Associates, you know that you are in great hands. Dr. Feiz has years of experience and training, and constantly keeps up with changes in technology and techniques for weight loss surgery. He is also one of the leading experts in performing gastric sleeve after Lap Band. He knows that, although many people experience successful weight loss with the Lap Band device, this isn’t true of everyone. Sometimes, a surgeon can make an error with the band, leaving it too tight or too lose. Sometimes, the band simply degrades over years, and the person can begin to regain weight they previously lost. The patient can then feel discomfort, develop acid reflux or stomach pain. Sometimes, patients simply don’t lose the weight the need to lose to be healthy. Dr. Feiz can help qualifying patients by removing the band, then performing a sleeve gastrectomy to permanently reduce the size of the stomach and gain important hormonal and metabolic benefits.

If you have questions about gastric sleeve vs. Lap Band, contact Dr. Feiz & Associates today to get started on your weight loss journey. 

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