
After trying what seems like every imaginable weight loss technique to lose weight and keep it off, hopelessness can set in when it seems like nothing works. However, board-certified bariatric surgeon Dr. Michael Feiz has seen many patients who have been in that exact situation and turned their lives around. As a leading bariatric surgeon, Dr. Feiz has helped guide many patients through their weight loss journeys with great success.

If you are considering weight loss surgery but are concerned about undergoing an invasive procedure, know that Dr. Feiz has excellent results with the least invasive bariatric surgery available: adjustable gastric banding. More commonly known as lap band surgery, the procedure involves inserting an adjustable silicone band around the uppermost part of the stomach to limit its capacity. Patients feel full more quickly after eating less, and stay full longer. Lap Band surgery is the safest bariatric surgery available, and involves no cutting or stapling or the digestive tract.

Some patients may also weigh the pros and cons of lap band vs. gastric sleeve surgery, as both are excellent choices. Gastric sleeve surgery involves the removal of a significant segment of the stomach which produces the ghrelin hormone, also called the "hunger hormone." If you are on the fence about whether lap band or gastric sleeve surgery would be better suited to you, let the Dr. Feiz guide you through this important decision. Contact Dr. Feiz & Associates today at 310-855-8058 to schedule your FREE initial consultation!

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