
If you are seeking out information about lapband cost, then odds are you are seriously considering weight loss surgery. In that instance, you best bet is to consult with a top surgeon like the renowned specialist Dr. Michael Feiz, M.D., FACS.

An expert in the relatively new specialty of bariatric surgery, Dr. Michael Feiz, M.D., FACS boasts a zero mortality rate and is on the leading edge of the less invasive, adjustable and reversible lap band procedure. Grateful patients praise him not only for the superb results they have achieved thanks to his efforts, but also for his sensitivity and compassion in dealing with the often touchy subjects surrounding weight loss surgery.

Of course, those issues definitely include lapband cost. While every patient’s situation is very different, the good news is that lap band surgery cost is very often covered by medical insurance because of the surgery’s proven benefits in helping patients deal with the often seemingly intractable issue of obesity.

Of course, lapband cost may be the least of your concerns when dealing with the serious medical and personal issues that can result from obesity. As arguably the finest bariatric surgeon in Southern California, Dr. Feiz can help you tailor your surgery to your very specific personal and health situation. No two bodies are ever completely alike and whether a lap band, gastric sleeve, or other surgery is best for you is a matter that is best discussed with an expert physician on the level of Dr. Feiz.

For more information on a free consultation covering all topics relating to weight loss surgery including lap band cost, please contact Dr. Feiz. You can reach him by phone at 310-817-6911 or at 800-868-5946.

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