
A lap band or sleeve gastrectomy in Carson, Valencia, Thousand Oaks, Encino, Beverly Hills, Huntington Beach or elsewhere with Dr. Feiz and Associates is, for many severely obese people, the best way to retrain themselves in terms of eating. Now, learning to eat might sound like a job for an infant, but if you're severely obese – particularly, if you're beset by high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, or other weight related health problems – learning how to eat properly is the most vital job you've got.

Of course, it's a lot harder than it sounds. Retraining your body to expect far fewer calories is, in most cases, extremely difficult because the body tends to go into a sort of starvation mode, sending powerful hunger signals that almost no one can ignore. Fortunately, a gastric sleeve, lap band, or other weight loss procedure alters not only the digestive tract, but also the body's hunger "wiring." The result is that signals to eat are far less urgent and more in line with a person's vastly more modest actual need for food.

Michael Feiz, M.D., F.A.C.S. is one of the nation's most respected bariatric surgeons; he has helped countless patients quiet those signals so they could learn to eat appropriate amounts, without the constant distraction of deceptive hunger pangs that don't reflect the body's actual need for food. Especially with the careful post-operative guidance and care provided by Dr. Feiz and his first-rate medical team, the results enjoyed by patients are consistently outstanding.

The best way to learn the finer points of weight loss surgery, including such important matters as the relative pluses and minuses of lap band vs gastric sleeve, is through a free seminar at one of Dr. Feiz's offices. The entire Dr. Feiz and Associates legal team looks forward to helping your begin the process of achieving for yourself a happier and healthier way of life.

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