
You’ve been diagnosed as severely obese. You’ve also perhaps been diagnosed with conditions like diabetes, multiple sclerosis, heart disease, osteoarthritis. You’ve struggled with your weight for years, and have never been able to keep the pounds off. Whether you’re interested in a Lap Band procedure, or are considering a Lap Band revision surgery to continue losing weight, Michael Feiz, M.D., F.A.C.S. and his team at Dr. Feiz and Associates can help.

Many obese and severely obese patients have lost weight and kept it off, thanks to Dr. Feiz and his skilled bariatric surgery team. Dr. Feiz specializes in Lap Band, gastric sleeve, and band to sleeve revision surgery. He is glad to offer a consultation to discuss your bariatric surgery options, including the revision surgery, which can help patients lose additional weight. The Lap Band is an inflatable medical device that wraps around the stomach and creates a smaller “pocket” of stomach. This helps patients feel full faster, because there is less room in their stomach.

While many patients lose the weight they need through this procedure, patients sometimes struggle because of such issues as the hormone, ghrelin. The stomach produces this hormone to signal that the person is still hungry, even when they feel physically full. Revision surgery removes the Lap Band and part of the stomach is permanently removed as part of the gastric sleeve procedure. With the ghrelin-producing part of the stomach gone, patients not only feel physical satisfaction from meals, but emotional satisfaction, as well.

If you are considering the benefits of Lap Band vs. sleeve for your weight loss journey, or want a Lap Band revision surgery, contact the skilled bariatric medical professionals at Dr. Feiz and Associates today.

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