
Saying that life is mostly a series of choices might sound like nothing but a cliché, but the truth is that the decisions we make very often really do have far reaching consequences. Michael Feiz, M.D., F.A.C.S. of Dr. Feiz and Associates understands that severely obese people have more than one important choice to make when it comes to weight loss surgery.

First, of course, there is the decision to obtain the surgery. Many patients are, understandably, concerned about the risks that go with any surgical procedure. However, patients should be aware that these risks are usually dwarfed by the risks of serious obesity.

The second decision is what type of surgery to obtain. As fewer patients opt for the older gastric bypass, more and more are finding themselves considering the benefits of lap band vs. sleeve gastrectomy operations. Both of these procedures have become increasingly popular, and for good reason. That being said, the question of which procedure is best for a given individual is not always a simple one and the answers tend to be highly individual.

The sleeve gastrectomy is an extremely reliable procedure that is less invasive than older procedures. At the same time, the procedure best known as a Lap Band, which essentially ties-off a large portion of the stomach, is not only less invasive still, it is reversible and adjustable. Fortunately, when Lap Bands fail to produce the intended results or other issues emerge, lap band revision surgery can produce outstanding results when performed by a surgeon with Dr. Feiz's level of skill. Indeed, his success rate with band to sleeve conversions and similar procedures is second to none.

If you are considering a weight loss procedure and need further information about whether a weight loss procedure is right for you or about the various available techniques, a free seminar at Dr. Feiz's office may well be your best option.

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