
There is an unfortunate tendency among some people to assume that defeating their weight problem will pave the way to instant happiness. Dr. Michael Feiz would like to remind severely overweight people considering weight loss surgery that solving their weight problem will help a great many things, but it won't solve all of their problems.

People considering weight loss surgery have a great many factors to consider. The advanced state of weight loss medicine offers patients more options than ever; many patients feel almost overwhelmed weighing the pluses and minuses of lap band vs. sleeve procedures. Still, while considering all their options, patients should also prepare themselves for the reality that a weight loss surgery simply enables weight loss by making it easier for patients to resist the temptation to overeat. It does not change their overall psychology or cure all of their negative feelings.

Of course, many patients report feeling vastly more self-confident once they have lost weight. The health outcomes, including the frequent remission of type 2 diabetes, are also very real. It's simply a matter of keeping a weight loss procedures, whether it's a lap band, gastric bypass or band to sleeve conversion, in perspective. An improvement in your life is just that, an improvement – it's not a cure-all.

If you are considering weight loss surgery, it's definitely best to first consult an expert of the caliber of Dr. Michael Feiz. Whether it is your first procedure or if you are considering lap band revision surgery, it's very likely the best thing you can do to get a realistic perspective on a weight loss procedure is to take advantage of a free seminar at the offices of Dr. Feiz and Associates.

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