
Few people, including most medical insiders, would argue with the effectiveness of Lap Band surgery. Since its advent, the Lap Band has helped untold number of people lose weight, improve their health, gain confidence, and make lasting changes to their lives. Sometimes however, particular patients aren’t 100% satisfied with their Lap Band procedure. Sometimes they need to try a different surgical strategy to deal with their weight issues. Fortunately, the team at Dr. Feiz and Associates can help these people, by offering numerous alternative options to the Lap Band for those who are looking for something else.

For example, the Lap Band vs. sleeve operations are often thought of as two effective methods for controlling appetite and causing weight loss. But, the way they go about affecting those changes differs in terms of how they change one’s digestive system. And for those who are unhappy with the Lap Band, the sleeve, which removes a large part of the stomach, can be far more effective. Like the Lap Band, it slows down one’s appetite, but also removes part of the stomach, reducing the production of ghrelin, an important hunger hormone.

Also, when it comes to taking advantage of a Lap Band to sleeve solution, Dr. Feiz is extremely experienced. He’s aware of all of the aspects of both operations, and is highly experienced in the transition. And, for those who like their Lap Band surgery, but need some type of adjustment to it that must be made surgically, Dr. Feiz also offers Lap Band revision surgery that can help make a person achieve a new level of comfort and satisfaction with their weight loss procedure.

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