
As a well-known and respected bariatric surgeon, Dr. Michael Feiz is committed to helping severely obese patients overcome the serious and debilitating health illnesses and ailments that they face each and every day. Because many of these conditions are life threatening, such as the significantly increased risk of heart attack, stroke, diabetes and cancer, it’s critical that patients suffering from severe obesity have a path forward to reach a healthy weight. Reaching a normal weight is the only means to do so, however getting there is nearly impossible through traditional methods for the large majority of severely obese individuals. Thanks to high quality bariatric surgery, however, patients suffering from severe obesity have a real way out.

Even if you aren’t familiar with weight loss surgery or understand the differences between different procedures such as the Lap Band vs. gastric sleeve our team at Dr. Feiz and Associates is here to help with the expert knowledge and experience you deserve. One of the first and most important factors to consider is that bariatric surgery has been proven to be safe, effective, and able to yield long term results. The techniques we practice at Dr. Feiz and Associates are no exception, and as a leading surgeon, Dr. Feiz is certainly among the most qualified to perform them.

All of our procedures, including our band to sleeve revision are performed with skill and precision. Whether you’re a first time patient or a previous patient in need of revision with a sleeve gastrectomy after Lap Band operation, our facility has exactly what you’re looking for to being a healthier, happier life.

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