
Many of us are told that losing weight is as simple as eating less or starting to exercise, but for the 1 in 5 Americans who struggle with obesity, the solution is not that simple because reducing your diet in a major way is a lot harder over the long term than many people assume. Many of the patients that Michael Feiz, M.D., F.A.C.S., and his team at Dr. Feiz and Associates, see have struggled for years with reaching a healthy weight, often losing a few pounds only to regain the weight and then some. Dr. Feiz and his talented team want to help obese and severely obese people become healthy again, which is why they specialize in Lap Band, gastric sleeve, and even band to sleeve revision procedures.

When you meet with Dr. Feiz, he will discuss all the benefits of the Lap Band vs. sleeve gastrectomy procedures, so you can make an informed decision. Both procedures are minimally invasive, so you can recover more quickly and have less scar tissue afterwards. Lap Band uses a rubber band-like medical device to close off most of the stomach, so a smaller “pocket” will fill up faster and you will feel full after eating less. The gastric sleeve procedure is permanent, but can help patients who fight desperate food cravings even after they’ve eaten less food. Dr. Feiz can also help with band to sleeve revision procedures for the rare patients who are unsatisfied with their Lap Bands and want to continue losing weight.

Contact the experienced team at Dr. Feiz and Associates today to discuss our bariatric surgery successes, including Lap Band, sleeve gastrectomy, and Lap Band revision surgery. We want to help you lose weight and live a full, healthy life.

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