
Because the lap band is such a life-changing operation, it's normal to expect to feel physically different after receiving one. However, many will suffer through discomfort, nausea, and sometimes even constant pain because they think it's a part of the surgery. Michael Feiz, MD, FACS and his associates in Beverly Hills want you to know that these symptoms aren't normal and, above all, don't have to be endured.

There are many problems that can arise from a lap band procedure, including band slippage, band intolerance, and band infection; you owe it to yourself to meet with a world-class bariatric surgeon like Dr. Feiz to see what can be done about it. Sometimes the irritation can be a simple infection and sometimes a lap band removal may be recommended. Dr. Feiz offers complimentary consultations in his office for those concerned about the pain they've noticed since getting a lap band and for those who haven't experienced satisfactory weight loss from the procedure.

Dr. Feiz will often recommend a lap band to sleeve conversion procedure for those having difficulty with the lap band. This is perfect for patients who haven't seen results from the lap band but want to continue on a life-saving weight loss journey. During this conversion, the lap band is removed by Dr. Feiz and then he converts the stomach into what is called a gastric sleeve. The sleeve is shaped similarly to a banana and is about a third of the size of the original stomach. This reduces the patient's capacity for food and will lead to weight loss. Dr. Feiz will also recommend diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes that will aid your weight loss journey.

Call Dr. Feiz's office at 310-855-8058 to schedule a free consultation with a bariatric specialist.

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