
Reigniting the Spark Through Weight Loss

Many people go through difficult periods when they experience a sense of stagnation or lack of motivation in their lives. They may be dissatisfied with aspects of their lifestyle, yet feel unable to make improvements. The best solution is to take action, and the best way to take action is to take the first step toward change. Improving body image is a great way to jump start the confidence needed to work on other areas of one’s life. At Dr. Feiz and Associates, our mission is to help give you the body you want so you can achieve the success you need.

Though weight loss surgery is an effective method to shed pounds, some patients who have previously undergone an operation experience disappointing results. Dr. Michael Feiz is dedicated to providing options to these patients with operations designed to improve upon previous surgeries. The band to sleeve procedure is one such operation that gives patients the positive results they were looking for. With years of experience and dedication at the top of his field, Dr. Feiz is able to provide each and every one of his patients with world class treatment to ensure positive progress. Whether performing a sleeve gastrectomy or a Lap Band revision surgery, patients can take comfort in the knowledge that they are receiving the very best care available.

Our specialists will help guide perspective patients through the process including answering any questions they may have such as determining the difference between the popular Lap Band vs. sleeve operations. We continue to work closely with all of our patients throughout their treatment to make sure that anyone under our care recovers quickly and experiences minimal inconvenience. With the expertise of Dr. Feiz in you corner, you’ll gain the results you need to have the body you want.

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