
One of the biggest issues that many severely obese people must deal with (an issue that isn’t always in the forefront of people’s minds when it comes to this topic) is depression. Depression affects the body, mind, and spirit of a person, and for people who are overweight, this condition can make their lives extremely difficult. Luckily, weight loss surgery can relieve many of the physical symptoms associated with obesity, which in turn can help people to recover from their psychologically depressive symptoms. Dr. Feiz and his team know this, and they are happy to help those dealing with morbid obesity and depression with everything from the decision between Lap Band vs. sleeve gastrectomy surgery, all the way through the recovery process.

Depression can also result in patients who have had an ineffective lap band surgery. This is because an ineffective lap band surgery can mean that a patient did not see the weight loss results they expected, or are experiencing acute pain and discomfort. In this case, Dr. Feiz and Associates can help with Lap Band revision surgery that can also help to relieve a patient’s depression by relieving them of their physical problems. In this case, Dr. Feiz will often times recommend a lap band to sleeve conversion operation, because it can help a patient to still realize their weight loss goals, while eliminating any acute side effects they experienced originally. The bottom line: morbid obesity and depression are both serious issues that need to be dealt with sooner rather than later. And if a patient can lose a significant amount of weight, it increases the likelihood that he or she will lead a happier, healthier life.

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