
When considering a weight loss procedure, it's important to fully consider your options. There are many choices one can make when it comes to bariatric surgeries, including stomach stapling, gastric banding, gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectromy with a duodenal switch, and many more. As a board certified bariatric surgeon, Dr. Michael Feiz, MD, FACS is an expert in these operations and can discuss your many choices if you qualify for a weight loss procedure. This article, specifically, is comparing a sleeve gastrectomy procedure (where the stomach's capacity for food is reduced in order to curb hunger) with the lap band surgery (where a ring is placed around the upper stomach, causing a patient to feel full faster).

What benefits come with a gastric sleeve vs. lap band? While both procedures have a quick recovery time—in fact, Dr. Feiz's laparoscopic methods are minimally invasive and generally use one incision point—the lap band does require follow-ups every few months. The sleeve, because it is permanent, doesn't require as many appointments. The amount of ghrelin, the hormone that causes the sensation of hunger, is also reduced from a sleeve gastrectomy.

On the other hand, what's beneficial about the lap band vs. gastric sleeve? A lap band is the more flexible procedure. It is adjustable and reversible, allowing a patient to have full control over their stomach. In the rare cases where the lap band isn't a successful weight loss tool, this is good because then a lap band to sleeve conversion can be performed.

This information is just a scratch on the surface of what you should know before getting any type of bariatric procedure. Dr. Feiz, whether through a complimentary consultation or one of his free seminars, can go through the details much more thoroughly. Call Dr. Feiz and his associates at 310-817-6911 to schedule your consultation at your convenience.

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