
Around two-thirds of American adults are overweight, obese, or severely obese – one in 20 of all American adults are severely obese. This means the person has a body mass index of 40 or greater, or 35 or greater with related health conditions. If you are one of these people struggling with serious weight issues, and trying to avoid comorbid diseases, you need extra help. Michael Feiz, M.D., F.A.C.S., is one of the leading weight loss surgery experts on the West Coast. He gathered a team of compassionate professionals at Dr. Feiz & Associates, so that he could help his patients with necessary procedures like Lap Band revision surgery.

Revision surgery involves creating a sleeve gastrectomy after Lap Band removal. Some people do not experience weight loss success with banding, and can even begin to feel discomfort or pain over time. Dr. Feiz has become one of the top bariatric surgeons qualified to perform the revision procedure. For patients who qualify, Dr. Feiz can remove the band, then perform a sleeve gastrectomy, which involves removing about 75 percent of the stomach. This creates a smaller, sleeve-like organ to digest food. Like the Lap Band, sleeve gastrectomy helps the patient feel full after smaller meals. Unlike the Band, though, a sleeve gastrectomy removes the part of the stomach that produces ghrelin, aka the “hungry hormone.” This hormone signals the brain that the stomach is empty, but continues to affect the brain until sometime after a regular meal. For many people, this means suffering food cravings and hunger pangs, even after eating a reasonable amount. Lessening the production of can definitely make weight loss a great deal easier.

Instead of fighting ghrelin-induced hunger pangs, contact Dr. Feiz & Associates today for more information on sleeve vs. Lap Band procedures. 

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