
Weight loss surgery is an increasingly recommended option for people who have tried diet and exercise, to no avail. The social stigma of bariatric surgery is fading fast, and the public becomes more informed about the benefits of these procedures. Reputable bariatric surgeons like Dr. Michael Feiz, leading physician at Dr. Feiz & Associates weight loss surgery center, are also bringing an unprecedented level of experience and skill to these kinds of surgeries. Dr. Feiz performs a number of different procedures, including gastric sleeve and Lap Band surgery.

What is the difference between these two procedures? Gastric sleeve surgery, or sleeve gastrectomy, involves removing about 75-85% of the stomach, and then sculpting the remaining portion into a sleeve-like shape. Lap Band surgery involves inserting a plastic adjustable band around the stomach, which then tightens to form an hour glass shape. Both procedures have been shown to offer dramatic weight loss results. There are pros and cons to both methods, and by consulting with Dr. Feiz, prospective patients will get a better idea of which procedure they may be more suitable for.

If you are interested in learning more about these to procedures, as well as others like gastric bypass, you should feel free to directly contact Dr. Feiz & Associates and schedule your own FREE consultation. You can cut through all the Internet speculation and myths by sitting down and talking to actual experts who have performed these operations countless times and seen the results for themselves.

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