
At Dr. Feiz and Associates, Dr. Michael Feiz is committed to bringing the best care to each and every patient. Whether that means performing a thoughtfully designed procedure on an individual for the first time or providing a revision surgery such as a band to sleeve revision , Dr. Feiz has the skill, experience, training, and expertise to provide truly world-class care to any patient in need. As a leader in his field, Dr. Feiz is invested in your wellbeing, and our team at Dr. Feiz and Associates has the resources to help you achieve a healthy lifestyle and a happy life.

Even if you may not know the first thing about bariatric surgery or even, for example, what the difference between a Lap Band vs. gastric sleeve may be, we are here to help you learn about the entire weight loss journey. We are here to explain that bariatric surgery has been proven to be safe and effective, and it also provides real, tangible results. These results are crucial because, without them, a severely obese person is at high risk for suffering from a heart attack, stroke, diabetes, or even developing cancer.

Dr. Feiz is dedicated to helping patients avoid life threatening diseases and to promote positive lifestyles that patients can actually hone, develop, and embrace. Even patients of previous surgeries that have failed to provide adequate results can find great success with options that include our sleeve gastrectomy after Lap Band. If you’re ready to take back control over your life, Dr. Feiz and our team are ready to give you the tools you need to do just that.

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