
Plenty of major health issues are associated with being overweight. Some problems that many obese people face include lack of energy, painful joints, and a lack of mobility. However, some of these health issues are far more serious, including high cholesterol, heart attack, stroke, and other issues that can lead to death. It’s never too late to rectify these health risks. Even if diet and exercise have failed you, when you use to services of an incredible bariatric surgeon like Dr. Michael Feiz you can fight obesity. Surgical procedures like gastric sleeve, Lap Band, and band to sleeve might be just what you need to finally lose weight.

Dr. Feiz and Associates often have discussions with patients about lap band vs. sleeve. No matter which option you and your surgeon feel is more appropriate for your situation and life, you will likely see incredible results that will change your life. Even if you’ve had Lap Band surgery and wants lap band revision surgery, you’ll find that Dr. Feiz and his dedicated team make all of their patients feel comfortable about their surgical decisions.

There state of the art facilities throughout Southern California, including locations in Beverly Hills, Valencia, Huntington Beach, and more. Our team works hard to ensure that patients feel comfortable before, during, and after their chosen procedure. If you’re interested in finding out more about these life-saving procedures or to have any of your pressing questions answered, call us today to set up a free consultation.

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