
While many people believe they struggle with just a few extra pounds of weight, obese and severely obese people who need to change their status fight their bodies almost constantly. It’s a big deal. Being obese often comes with a host of medical complications, including diabetes, heart disease, and depression. Michael Feiz, M.D., F.A.C.S. and his team at Dr. Feiz and Associates have years of experience helping patients lose weight to become healthy and enjoy their lives. They will discuss the possible benefits, based on your needs, of Lap Band vs. sleeve gastrectomy so that you can make the most informed health decision.

Dr. Feiz also specializes in Lap Band revision surgery, which is a process of removing a Lap Band device, then removing part of the stomach with the gastric sleeve procedure. Sometimes, a bariatric surgeon may not implant the Lap Band device correctly – Dr. Feiz’s years of experience can help correct this issue with minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery to remove the band and correctly perform the sleeve gastrectomy procedure. You will have fewer scars, and will recover faster so that you can begin to enjoy your weight loss and new life sooner.

The team at Dr. Feiz and Associates are here to answer your questions about bariatric surgery. We understand that it can be a hard decision, but we know it is important to regain your health in order to fully enjoy your life. We are happy to discuss our experience with Lap Band, gastric sleeve, and band to sleeve revision surgery. With Dr. Feiz and Associates, your weight loss is in capable hands.

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