
Morbid obesity and increasing medical costs are both very serious issues that are currently on the rise. As a noted bariatric physician with a compassionate approach, Dr. Michael Feiz, M.D., FACS understands that patients suffering from the serious medical consequences of obesity must also consider weight loss surgery cost when contemplating lap band or gastric sleeve surgery.

There is, however, some good news for patients with medical insurance. Most insurers do offer coverage for most of the commonly performed procedures, provided the patient meets certain criteria regarding their weight and overall health situation. Dr. Feiz is ready to provide counseling and suggestions regarding such matters as weight loss surgery cost.

Of course, not all patients are insured and, in those cases, the greater expense will have to be factored into the equation along with the available weight loss surgery options. As an acknowledged expert on minimally invasive weight loss techniques, Dr. Feiz understands the importance of making an informed decision. He has received high praise for his compassion, his zero mortality rate, and his ability to put himself into the shoes of his patients.

The reality of today’s world is that the cost of procedures must also be weighed alongside the potential medical benefits. It might not be ideal to have to consider the availability of lap band insurance or gastric sleeve insurance alongside other matters. Nevertheless, Dr. Feiz can provide real assistance to patients in helping them to make a fully informed decision.

For more information on weight loss surgery cost, please contact Dr. Feiz’s clinic today to schedule a free first consultation.


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