
Severe obesity can feel like a trap that’s impossible to escape; particularly if diet and exercise yield disappointing results. The dangers of obesity are well known with obesity considered the number one cause of preventable death behind habitual tobacco use. Weight loss surgery may seem like a drastic option, but the truth is that, in addition to being safe and very common, surgery is a great choice for taking action against the serious health problems associated with obesity. Through the expertise of Dr. Michael Feiz, patients not only take steps to save their health, but can provide relief for concerned friends and family.

Because severe obesity is such a serious health risk, people who are close to those suffering with weight issues often feel a sense of deep concern for their wellbeing. Many patients who seek the care of Dr. Feiz do so because they feel a sense of obligation to the people who they feel close to. Improving your health so you can be around longer to continue to enjoy important relationships is a great reason to seek treatment. Our specialists are standing by to provide insight to perspective patients including detailing the difference between a Lap Band vs. sleeve gastrectomy.

As a top Los Angeles area surgeon, Dr. Feiz M.D., F.A.C.S, has the experience and the talent necessary to drastically improve a patient’s quality of life through surgery. We continue to assess your progress to ensure you get the results you need. Dr. Feiz can perform any necessary surgical adjustment as needed such as a Lap Band revision surgery operation. Dr. Feiz is intimately familiar with a set of other operations, like the band to sleeve procedure, which allows us to deliver the exact treatment plan that’s right for you.

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