
If you’re like most people, you only make really big chances in your life when, somewhere deep inside of yourself, you’ve simply had enough. That certainly applies to most of the severely obese patients who have benefitted from gastric sleeve, lap band, and other bariatric procedures with Dr. Michael Feiz, one of the best known and most respected surgeons in the nation.

Of course, for many people, those changes will amount to getting more exercise, cutting out junk food and sugary sodas, and perhaps going out of their way to generally lower their caloric intake. Especially for people who are severely obese, these changes may not be sufficient, or they may only work temporarily.

For obesity sufferers who are truly determined to lose their weight for once and for all, consulting with Dr. Feiz may truly be the most advisable next step. He can consult with you regarding whether you are a candidate for bariatric surgery and which type of procedure would be best for you.

For many people, gastric sleeve surgery appears to be the best choice. This less invasive approach to bariatric surgery nevertheless removes over 75% of the stomach. This procedure is known to reduce ghrelin, the hormone which provides us with urges to eat. The reason is that the portion of the stomach where the hormone is produced, the fundus, is always removed in this procedure.

Dr. Feiz will be happy to walk you through the many options open to people who are determined to change their lives not later, but now. Please contact Dr. Feiz’s office right now for a free consultation. Just dial 310-855-8058 or contact us online.

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