
The Lap Band surgery is often the go-to choice for weight loss procedures. Its popularity is in part due to the branding of the surgery name and partially because it’s reversible. The band is placed around the stomach to create an hourglass shape that makes you full faster. Unfortunately, the surgery doesn’t always end up with ideal results. Since not every patient is the same, the results can sometimes be disappointing, with weight loss stifling after a little while. That’s why a sleeve gastrectomy after Lap Band is one of the surgical procedures most often performed by Dr. Michael Feiz and associates.

Discussions about Lap Band vs. gastric sleeve really depend on individual preferences. Sometimes the Lap Band slips and causes physical pain, nausea, and infection. Dr. Feiz performs band to sleeve revision surgery to rectify these rare Lap Band issues as well. The gastric sleeve surgery often sees faster results because a part of the stomach is removed. The stomach is made into a sleeve-like shape. However, since the sleeve is a permanent change to the body, patients are often hesitant to take that leap.

Before you go into having any type of weight loss surgery, it’s important to talk it over with a qualified surgeon like Dr. Feiz. Our health care professionals are highly skilled and understand the importance of ensuring the comfort of their patients. If you’re looking to make the leap, call our offices today to set up a free consultation, where your every question can be answered.

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