
On occasion, a patient who has received a lap band can start experiencing problems. It can be physical (heartburn, vomiting, nausea, pain), mental (unhappiness with lack of weight loss), or more. Dr. Michael Feiz, well-known bariatric surgeon in Beverly Hills, wants people to know that they don't have to suffer through an uncomfortable lap band. Working with Dr. Feiz, a lap band patient can decide a course of action for resolving their issues. Some choose to get the lap band taken out, some will have it readjusted, and some will get gastric bypass after lap band. It all depends on their unique circumstances.

For most, though, a surgery to replace the lap band and perform a gastric sleeve is recommended by Dr. Feiz. He's invested in getting his patients the results that they were promised before their first surgery from another doctor and he believes that his methods—both his surgical technique and his process after the operation—lead to long-term, effective weight loss. The first step, then, is removing the complicating lap band, while converting the stomach into a vertical sleeve that's about 30% of its original size. Then, Dr. Feiz works with his patients throughout recovery, educating them on the importance of eating healthily and exercising regularly. He's a true ally throughout the weight loss process, always there for his patients whether it is during a regular check-up, a last-minute meeting, or a simple phone call.

Sleeve gastrectomy after lap band is a practical, sometimes life-saving, option for those dissatisfied with their original results. Often people feel hopeless after a lap band procedure that doesn't inspire any weight loss and Dr. Feiz and his helpful staff strive to give these patients hope again. They can be reached for an absolutely free consultation or weight loss seminar. Call Dr. Feiz's office at 310-855-8058 for more information.

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