Gastric Sleeve Los Angeles
Are you looking for the gastric sleeve in Los Angeles? Here at Dr. Feiz & Associates, Dr. Michael Feiz, M.D., FACS offers micro sleeve surgery, an advanced technique that offers all the same benefits as laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, but with significantly less cutting. In fact, using the advanced STARR Treatment, Dr. Feiz is able to perform the gastric sleeve in Los Angeles with ONLY A SINGLE INCISION. With a faster recovery period, less post-operative discomfort, and virtually no scarring, Dr. Feiz’s approach to the gastric sleeve in Los Angeles is quickly becoming a popular alternative to traditional gastric sleeve surgery.
Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Los Angeles
Dr. Feiz has been performing the gastric sleeve in Los Angeles for many years. With multiple locations, including Beverly Hills, Huntington Beach, Thousand Oaks, Oxnard, and more, Dr. Feiz & Associates makes it convenient and hassle-free for interested parties to schedule a FREE initial consultation or FREE informational seminar. It is essential for prospective patients to be fully informed about the potential benefits and risks of any weight loss procedure, and Dr. Feiz believes strongly that an open and honest dialogue between doctor and patient – from the very beginning – is the only way to wisely arrive at the best course of action for anyone interested in bariatric surgery. Not every individual is going to be an ideal candidate for every kind of weight loss surgery. Only by conferring with Dr. Feiz about your current health condition, and your hopes and expectations for change, can the two of you work toward a viable path to weight loss.
If you would like to learn more about Dr. Feiz or the gastric sleeve procedure, contact us today to schedule a FREE initial consultation. Now is the time to take your first vital step toward a healthier and longer life. Call 310-817-6911
Many millions of adults in the U.S. are considered overweight. Many of these individuals can get to a healthy weight if they diet and exercise – however, for people who struggle with being severely obese, eating a little less and exercising a little more may not be enough. If you struggle with severe obesity, you know that shedding a few pounds won’t help you overcome comorbid diseases and improve your quality of life. You may need further help, which is why Michael Feiz, M.D., F.A.C.S., founded Dr. Feiz & Associates. He is a leading weight loss surgeon on the West Coast, and his practice has brought together several of the most talented and compassionate bariatric professionals available. Whether you need a band to sleeve revision, or have questions about whether you qualify for an initial bariatric surgery, contact Dr. Feiz.
One of the most successful and popular weight loss surgeries today is the sleeve gastrectomy at Los Angeles based Dr. Feiz & Associates. This procedure removes roughly 75 percent of the stomach, creating a smaller, sleeve-like pouch. This means that the patient feels physically full after smaller meals. However, Dr. Feiz also frequently recommends this procedure to his patients because it also removes the part of the stomach which largely produces the hormone ghrelin. This hormone signals to the brain when the stomach is empty, but in many people, it also leads to cravings and intense hunger pangs, even after eating sufficient calories. Without so much ghrelin, Dr. Feiz’s patients feel emotionally satisfied after smaller, healthier meals.
Dr. Feiz is also one of the few surgeons qualified to perform the sleeve gastrectomy after Lap Band, so contact Dr. Feiz & Associates today.
Helping Patients Lose Excess Body Weight and Enjoy a Healthy Life
Begin Your Journey
Our Team
Our Procedures

Sleeve Gastrectomy

Needlescopic Sleeve Gastrectomy

Lap Band Conversion to Sleeve

Gastric Bypass

Lap Band

Gallbladder Surgery

Anti-Reflux Disease

Hiatal Hernia Repair


Lap Band to Sleeve Revision Los Angeles
Not so long ago, Lap Band surgery was a popular form of weight loss procedure up and, if you’re reading this, it’s possible you’ve already had it. This operation, which is still performed today, places a removable device around the top portion of a patient’s stomach to limit food intake by making overeating uncomfortable.
Due to lower success rates compared to other forms of bariatric surgery, however, Lap Band usage has decreased. It now comprises less than three percent of all bariatric operations as of 2017, according to the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS). Other procedures have become far more popular for two reasons: weight loss that many patients found insufficient and a larger number of short and long-term complications. A small majority of patients remove Lap Bands within seven to 10 years.
Reasons Patients Remove Lap Bands and/or choose other procedures
Insufficient weight loss – Initial weight loss is usually satisfactory in patients with a band. However, many patients do regain some or all of their lost weight over time and most doctors will recommend removal if weight loss is below 25 or 30 percent. This is by far the most common reason patients opt to remove their Lap Band.
The band moves from its intended location – In some cases, additional space may be created above the band that limits its effectiveness. In extreme cases, this can require emergency surgery, either moving the band back into place or removing it entirely.
Heartburn/acid reflux – Acid reflux may flare up after Lap Band surgery. If this condition is severe or too frequent and medication does not help, the band will be removed. Frequent heartburn can also lead to an inflammation of the esophagus (esophagitis); which can also necessitate removal of the band.
Severe Digestive Issues – Patients may become nauseous and start to vomit several times a day in addition to experiencing difficulties when swallowing. Individuals can also become intolerant to the band itself.
Erosion of the Band/infection – Though the problem is rare, Lap Bands have sometimes eroded inside patients, leading to what is called a port infection. If the infection is unresponsive or resistant to antibiotic medications and treatment, the band must be removed.
Dilation of the Esophagus – Because the entrance to the stomach is restricted by the Lap Band, food may get lodged in the esophagus. Over time, this can lead to dilation, or expansion, of the patient’s esophagus.
Other Damage to the Esophagus – Like esophageal dilation, it is also possible for the esophagus to become immobile, a condition called esophageal dysmotility. This can require the removal of fluid from the patient’s esophagus as well as the removal of the Lap Band itself.
Converting Lap Band to Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery
If it becomes necessary or desirable to remove a patient’s Lap Band, the patient can still opt for some very powerful options. Sleeve gastrectomy surgery has been proven to be highly successful for most patients and it has become by far the most popular option for patients who are determined to defeat obesity. We’ve performed these procedures countless times at Dr. Feiz & Associates, and we’ve seen consistently outstanding results.
Converting a Lap Band into a sleeve gastrectomy typically ends complications for the patient. Indeed, complications from sleeve gastrectomy operations are so low they are essentially negligible. Patients who switch to a sleeve procedure experience much higher rates of significant and sustained weight loss as well; possibly due to the fact the production of a substance called ghrelin is reduced following the procedure. This hormone is associated with persistent feelings of hunger and failed weight loss attempts, since the body may actually increase ghrelin production when an individual begins to lose weight, making permanent weight loss next to impossible for most obese people.
Patients frequently report reduced sensations of hunger after sleeve operations and some say they have helped them to radically alter the way they look at food. Overall, patients who convert their Lap Band to a sleeve gastrectomy report experience real improvements in their health and quality of life.
What is a Sleeve Gastrectomy?
This procedure has proven highly effective and patients typically lose up to 60 percent of their excess weight over time, with even better results for those who work harder at maintaining their dietary and behavioral restrictions; many are able to achieve their goal weight. In any event, patients who maintain healthy eating habits and exercise regularly following a sleeve gastrectomy surgery enjoy consistently outstanding results.
One aspect of the sleeve gastrectomy that may have been crucial in achieving positive results is the reduction of what is often referred to as the “hunger hormone,” or ghrelin. This substance plays an adverse role in weight loss attempts because it makes people trying to lose weight feel as if they are physically hungry, even though they know intellectually that they have eaten enough food. Additionally, ghrelin may play a negative role in blood sugar metabolism. Reducing its presence in the body of an obese individual seems to be a major benefit of a sleeve procedure.
Gastric Sleeve vs Gastric Bypass Pros and Cons
- Limits ghrelin production, which reduces a patient’s hunger and the chance of a dietary relapse.
- Less radical: a sleeve gastrectomy removes a large portion of the stomach but leaves the digestive tract essentially intact. Removing part of the stomach may sound more radical than bypassing it, but there is ultimately less trauma to the digestive system, allowing for a quicker recovery and less chance for complications. It also allows for a wider choice of foods for patients though, obviously, in much smaller quantities than before.
- Is considered a treatment for Type 2 Diabetes, with many patients seeing their symptoms improve significantly after surgery.
- Most patients see significant weight loss in the months and years following surgery.
- Patients will be unable to safely consume large amounts of food, often requiring significant lifestyle changes.
- A sleeve gastrectomy is not reversible.
- Most patients see significant weight loss in the months and years following surgery. Some hormonal benefit is likely.
- The oldest treatment, and therefore has the longest track record of success. Proven benefits in terms of reversing obesity and associated conditions, such as type 2 diabetes.
- While this is not typical and is considered a last resort, some forms of gastric bypass surgery may be reversible.
- Patients will be unable to safely consume large amounts of food, often requiring significant lifestyle changes. Types of foods eaten are more limited than with a sleeve gastrectomy. Dumping syndrome is more likely to be triggered if patients consume too much or eat the wrong kinds of food.
- Gastric bypass is generally considered to be more radical as reorders the digestive tract. It can cause significant trauma to the affected areas, leading to longer recovery times in many cases-.
Please note: both surgeries are well regarded in the medical community and may be used when appropriate. All patients are different, so it’s important to work closely with your doctor so that you thoroughly understand your choice of a procedure.
Gastric Sleeve Los Angeles
For most patients in Los Angeles and around the world, the gastric sleeve surgery is the best option for weight loss surgery and it has been proven to be safe and highly effective in studies conducted over many years. The reason for this comes down to relatively recent developments in the field of bariatric medicine – and one little hormone called ghrelin.
Obese individuals who attempt to lose weight nearly always fall into the pattern of enjoying some level of initial success followed by rapid weight gain. This is not due to some defect in the individuals’ personalities or low willpower. Instead, the body’s own digestive and nervous system is to blame as the human body tries to maintain its current weight as a means of avoiding starvation—regardless of whether or not that is an actual threat.
The digestive system’s main response to weight loss may be the production of more ghrelin. Also known as the hunger hormone, normal levels of ghrelin regulate feelings of hunger. Not surprisingly, individuals who are overweight typically have higher levels of ghrelin. Moreover, ghrelin levels actually increase as excess weight is lost because the body is attempting to return to its original state. In a less prosperous time and place, this function was likely imperative for human survival, as it encouraged people to eat enough so as to store extra calories as fat to be ready for an all-too-possible famine; however, now our bodies’ hormonal response to even a fairly small weight loss has proven downright deadly for many of us.
This is where a gastric sleeve comes into play. This operation removes the same stomach portions that are thought to be responsible for ghrelin production in the body. So, not only does a sleeve gastrectomy make overeating unpleasant, the incessant hunger pangs that accompany weight loss are substantially dulled. The operation is not a cure-all, of course, and the patient must still make an effort to live a healthier lifestyle, but permanent and significant weight loss is made much more achievable.
Los Angeles area residents and others who are severely obese and attempting to lose weight with little long-term success are encouraged to reach out to Dr. Feiz & Associates.
Many millions of adults in the U.S. are considered overweight. Many of these individuals can get to a healthy weight if they diet and exercise – however, for people who struggle with being severely obese, eating a little less and exercising a little more may not be enough. If you struggle with severe obesity, you know that shedding a few pounds won’t help you overcome comorbid diseases and improve your quality of life. You may need further help, which is why Michael Feiz, M.D., F.A.C.S., founded Dr. Feiz & Associates. He is a leading weight loss surgeon on the West Coast, and his practice has brought together several of the most talented and compassionate bariatric professionals available. Whether you need a band to sleeve revision, or have questions about whether you qualify for an initial bariatric surgery, contact Dr. Feiz.
One of the most successful and popular weight loss surgeries today is the sleeve gastrectomy at Los Angeles based Dr. Feiz & Associates. This procedure removes roughly 75 percent of the stomach, creating a smaller, sleeve-like pouch. This means that the patient feels physically full after smaller meals. However, Dr. Feiz also frequently recommends this procedure to his patients because it also removes the part of the stomach which largely produces the hormone ghrelin. This hormone signals to the brain when the stomach is empty, but in many people, it also leads to cravings and intense hunger pangs, even after eating sufficient calories. Without so much ghrelin, Dr. Feiz’s patients feel emotionally satisfied after smaller, healthier meals.
Dr. Feiz is also one of the few surgeons qualified to perform the sleeve gastrectomy after Lap Band, so contact Dr. Feiz & Associates today.
For some people, being overweight means simple changes in their diet or exercise routine to shed the extra pounds. For others, however, getting healthy is a much harder struggle. Many people who are medically defined as severely obese have a tough time losing weight and keeping it off. Too often, these individuals experience rebound weight gain when they do lose weight, which can actually worsen the chances of comorbid diseases developing. These include diabetes, heart disease, osteoarthritis, and even depression. Michael Feiz, M.D., F.A.C.S., specializes in weight loss surgery, and founded Dr. Feiz & Associates to help people just like you who need to lose weight and keep it off. As one of the West Coast’s leading specialists, Dr. Feiz and his team offer Lap Band and the sleeve gastrectomy Los Angeles patients need.
Not only does Dr. Feiz specialize in bariatric surgery, but he is also one of the few weight loss specialists who can perform sleeve gastrectomy after Lap Band. This procedure helps patients who have experienced difficulty with their Lap Bands. Although it is rare, sometimes the Lap Band is not installed correctly by less experienced doctors. A band that is too loose or too tight can lead to less weight loss success, acid reflux, and abdominal pain. In other cases, the band may simply not result in a large enough weight loss. Through the revision procedure, Dr. Feiz will remove the Lap Band, then perform a sleeve gastrectomy. This creates a smaller stomach “pocket” so the patient can continue to lose weight safely and successfully.
If you need a band to sleeve revision, or just have questions about your weight loss surgery options, contact Dr. Feiz & Associates today.
Most adults in the United States are considered overweight or obese, and one in 20 of those individuals are severely obese. This means they have a body mass index that makes them far more likely to suffer comorbid diseases like diabetes, heart disease, sleep apnea, reproductive difficulties, and even depression and some types of cancer. If you are one of these people, you know that you need to lose weight in order to improve your quality of life, but you may struggle constantly with reaching a healthy weight. Michael Feiz, M.D., F.A.C.S., founded Dr. Feiz & Associates to help patients like you determine if you qualify for weight loss surgery. Dr. Feiz and his team are some of the leading bariatric experts on the West Coast, and can help you with procedures including band to sleeve revision.
If you don’t know your options, you can set up an appointment with Dr. Feiz and he will help you determine if you qualify for weight loss surgery. One of the most popular weight loss procedures, sleeve gastrectomy in Los Angeles, has helped thousands of people reach their goal weight quickly, and maintain that weight. The gastric sleeve procedure involves removing about 75 percent of the stomach, to create a pouch-like “sleeve.” This allows you to eat less, but still feel full. The procedure also maintains the original order in the digestive system, so your recovery will be faster.
At Dr. Feiz & Associates, weight loss surgery is only part of the process. Whether you go for the gastric sleeve procedure, or need sleeve gastrectomy after Lap Band removal, Dr. Feiz’s team will work with you before and after your procedure to help you achieve outstanding results.
Join Us for an Upcoming Online Weight Loss Seminar
Do you feel like you have tried everything to lose weight? Have you already had an unsuccessful weight loss surgery? Dr. Michael Feiz and his team will provide you with all the information and resources you need to make an educated decision about weight loss surgery. Although details vary from patient to patient, we will be with you every step of the way. From surgery—> to recovery—> to a permanent healthy lifestyle!