
If you have been told by your doctor (and the mirror) that you are severely obese and are tired of spending all your time struggling with your weight, Michael Feiz, M.D., F.A.C.S., can help. He is one of the leading weight loss surgeons on the West Coast, and founded Dr. Feiz & Associates to help patients just like you overcome their struggles against obesity and its many related comorbid diseases. He is also one of the finest surgeons in the field who can perform a gastric sleeve after Lap Band removal, which can help patients continue to get healthy by reaching their goal weight.

For some people, the Lap Band simply doesn’t work. The band may also get looser over time, or begin to degrade, leading to a number of potential issues. The good news is that Dr. Feiz can help people in this situation, with Lap Band revision surgery. Qualifying patients can go to Dr. Feiz, who will remove their band, then perform a sleeve gastrectomy, which removes 75 percent of the stomach. Like a band, this smaller “sleeve” stomach allows the patient to eat less, so they lose weight. However, because of certain hormonal benefits, it can help you feel more emotionally satisfied after smaller meals, too.


Dr. Feiz is happy to answer questions about gastric sleeve vs. Lap Band procedures, so contact Dr. Feiz & Associates today to set up your first appointment. Our entire team looks forward to helping you begin, or continue, your successful weight loss journey.

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