Micro Lap Band San Bernadino
Dr. Michael Feiz, M.D., FACS one of the top surgeons in the country, now offers the micro Lap Band in San Bernadino. Using the cutting-edge STARR Treatment employed by only the most accomplished bariatric surgeons, Dr. Feiz is able fit a patient with a Lap Band by making only a SINGLE incision to the abdominal area. With the micro Lap Band in San Bernadino, recovery time is dramatically faster, post-operative discomfort is minimal, and scarring is negligible (indeed, your scar will be no larger than a freckle or a single grain of rice).
Micro Lap Band in San Bernadino involves fitting a plastic adjustable band around the upper portion of the stomach. The band tightens and gives the stomach an hour glass shape, which in turn slows the intake of food particles and provides the patient with a quicker feeling of satiety. The patient is then able to eat smaller meals and go longer between each meal.
Very few weight loss surgeons in the United States are qualified to perform micro Lap Band surgery. If you are interested in learning more about getting the micro Lap Band in San Bernadino, we encourage you to contact Dr. Feiz & Associates directly with your questions and concerns. We are always happy to share our knowledge and experience with curious patients; in our opinion, an informed patient is a satisfied patient.