
Michael Feiz, M.D., F.A.C.S., is a leading weight loss surgeon on the West Coast. He helps patients with a body mass index of 40 or greater reach a healthy weight, through bariatric procedures like gastric sleeve, and band to sleeve revision. He founded Dr. Feiz & Associates so he could gather a team of experts to help people with bariatric surgery using the latest techniques and technology, and also provide emotional and social support to patients before and after their procedures.

Dr. Feiz has years of training and experience performing bariatric procedures, and with the help of his knowledgeable, caring team, his patients recover quickly and reach a healthy weight. As a leading bariatric specialist, Dr. Feiz constantly keeps his skills updated and very frequently performs such procedures as sleeve gastrectomy for Los Angeles area patients at his practice. This procedure uses a laparoscopic device to remove approximately 75 to 85 percent of the stomach, creating a smaller “sleeve” to digest food. Laparoscopic surgery uses tiny incisions, which reduces the impact on the patient’s body, so the recovery process is faster and there is less scarring than in older, more invasive, procedures. Gastric sleeve surgery has been shown to be one of the most effective types of weight loss surgery for a number of reasons, including the fact that it removes the part of the stomach that produces ghrelin, aka the “hungry hormone.” Without this hormone producing hunger pangs, distress, excessive cravings, and more in the brain, patients feels more emotionally and physically satisfied after meals that are much smaller than patients were probably used to in the past.

If you are interested in sleeve gastrectomy after Lap Band, or have questions about the gastric sleeve procedure, contact Dr. Feiz & Associates to see if you are a candidate for these procedures.  

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