
In a weight loss consultation with bariatric surgeon Michael Feiz, MD, FACS, the doctor will discuss the many types of procedures that can help people with a high BMI and comorbidities reclaim their health. Dr. Feiz will also make sure that his potential patients have tried less invasive approaches to weight loss and are healthy enough to undergo a procedure. Once that is all discussed, he will proceed to recommend a weight loss surgery that is most appropriate for the patient. Many times, Dr. Feiz recommends the gastric sleeve procedure.

The vertical sleeve gastrectomy removes all but 25% of the stomach, reducing the amount of food that can fit in the stomach. This allows the stomach to function normally, just with a diminished capacity. This makes a recipient of the sleeve feel fuller with less food, allowing them to have a reduced caloric intake. One additional reason that Dr. Feiz and his associates recommend the gastric sleeve is its effect on hunger. Not only does the procedure make the patient feel fuller faster, it also removes the part of the stomach that creates the hormone (known as ghrelin) that causes the sensation of hunger. Without the hormone ghrelin, Dr. Feiz' gastric sleeve patients can make better decisions about food and nutrition.

A key to the success of Dr. Feiz' patients is his follow-up care. Keeping up on the well-being of his patients—even allowing his patients to call him directly—means that weight loss surgery with Dr. Feiz has a better chance of success. Call Dr. Feiz today to schedule a free consultation today!

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