
Over one-third of US adults are considered obese by medical professionals. This rising epidemic is not about looking like a movie star, though. Doctors and other medical professionals are concerned about the rising trend of obesity and worse, severe obesity in the U.S. largely because of comorbid diseases. People who struggle with obesity are much more likely to suffer many side effects, including high blood pressure and cholesterol, joint pain and mobility issues, Type 2 diabetes, stroke, blood clot, sleep apnea, urinary incontinence, and even some kinds of cancer. It is very important for these people to lose weight and keep it off, which is why Michael Feiz, M.D., F.A.C.S. founded Dr. Feiz & Associates. Dr. Feiz is one of the leading experts in bariatric procedures including both revision operations such as a gastric sleeve after Lap Band.

Although Dr. Feiz specializes in many types of bariatric surgeries, he a noted leader in the area of Lap Band revision surgery. Although many patients experience great weight loss benefits from the Lap Band, in some rare cases, the band does not work. Sometimes, this is because the doctor did not work with the patient to help them choose the best weight loss procedure; Dr. Feiz always works with his patients as individuals to help them understand their options so they can make the best choice for their personal situation. In other cases, the band does not work properly because a surgeon installs it too tight, or not tight enough. This can create pain and digestive problems, and also prevents the person from losing weight like they need to. Dr. Feiz specializes in revision surgery to help these individuals achieve their weight loss goals.

Get your first appointment with Dr. Feiz set up today and learn the best option for you, including the respective benefits of gastric sleeve vs. Lap Band.

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