
If you struggle with obesity, you almost certainly know already that reaching a healthy weight helps slow or stop numerous comorbid diseases. These include diabetes, cardiovascular disease, joint and muscle pain, high blood pressure and cholesterol, depression, sleep apnea, and even some types of cancer. Unfortunately, just cutting a few calories and taking an extra walk won’t help you lose as much weight as you need to, or quickly enough. For many qualifying patients, weight loss surgery is the best way to get healthy again. Michael Feiz, M.D., F.A.C.S. founded Dr. Feiz & Associates to help patients just like yourself. He is a leading expert in bariatric procedures like gastric sleeve after Lap Band, and he can help you begin your weight loss journey, too.

One of the most important steps Dr. Feiz takes with his patients is to educate them. He knows that when patients are involved in their own improving health, they take steps like weight loss surgery and aftercare very seriously. Dr. Feiz also knows that each body is different, so different weight loss procedures work for different individuals. However, there are two common and popular bariatric procedures, Lap Band and gastric sleeve, which benefit many people because they are less invasive, and do not rearrange the digestive system. Dr. Feiz will help his patients understand the benefits of gastric sleeve vs. Lap Band, and outline other options, so his patients know they have made a great choice for their healthy future.

Whether you need a Lap Band revision surgery, or just want to discuss the best options for you to lose weight and keep it off, contact Dr. Feiz & Associates today.

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