
Over one-third of US adults are considered obese. As this problem increases, there is a growing concern about comorbid diseases. Obesity can lead to joint pain, lack of mobility, and depression, as well as more serious diseases like diabetes, heart disease, stroke, blood clots, and some types of cancer. These conditions not only limit an obese person’s quality of life, they can shorten the person’s lifespan, as well. Michael Feiz, M.D., F.A.C.S. founded Dr. Feiz & Associates specifically to help qualifying severely obese patients reach a healthy weight with bariatric surgery including both initial procedures and revisions such as a gastric sleeve after a Lap Band. These procedures help individuals shed weight and keep it off long-term, which helps reduce the impact of comorbid diseases.

Many of Dr. Feiz’s patients choose either the Lap Band procedure, or the gastric sleeve procedure. Dr. Feiz works closely with his patients to help educate them on their options, so they can choose the best weight loss procedure for their long-term health and well-being. However, Dr. Feiz is also one of the leading specialists in Lap Band revision surgery – a procedure that removes the Lap Band, and often removes part of the stomach using sleeve gastrectomy procedures. In some rare cases, Lap Bands do not work for the patient. This could be because they just aren’t the right procedure, or because another surgeon installed the Band incorrectly. Dr. Feiz wants people who struggle with severe obesity to become healthy again, so he specializes in revision surgery to help weight loss patients achieve lasting success on that journey.

If you want to know more about the such matters as the respective benefits of gastric sleeve vs. Lap Band, make your first appointment with Dr. Feiz today.

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