
We wish we could give you a simple answer to the above question, but we can’t. In fact, since no two patients are exactly alike, no two answers to the above question will ever be the same. Leading bariatric surgeon Dr. Michael Feiz excels at helping patients understand which procedures – if any – are most appropriate for them.

At the same time, the gastric sleeve Los Angeles residents are talking about is one of the most exciting of the surgical procedures that have changed the lives of countless people with severe obesity. Dr. Feiz has had notable success with a surgery that is notable for requiring only a single incision, while also vastly reducing the size of the stomach and reducing the body’s production of the hunger hormone known as ghrelin.

Nevertheless, gastric sleeve surgery is just one outstanding weapon against severe obesity. The lap band is an attractive alternative to many because it is reversible. There are others options as well, but whatever patients choose, Dr. Feiz is a truly outstanding surgeon who has been praised by countless patients for his ability to combine the highest level of technical ability with a compassionate approach that encompasses the complexities of dealing with the very personal issues relating to weight loss.

For a free consultation covering all aspects of bariatric procedures, including gastric sleeve cost, please call 310-855-8058 or contact us through the Dr. Feiz and Associates website. We are looking forward to meeting with you.

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