
There are many procedures for weight loss in Beverly Hills with Dr. Feiz, including the Lap Band, sleeve gastrectomy, and gastric bypass. While most patients are eligible for the Lap Band procedure, individual medical history, BMI, and age may indicate that the sleeve gastrectomy or gastric bypass is a better suited option. Just as with the Lap Band, both of these procedures can be performed laparoscopically on eligible individuals.

Laparoscopically performed weight loss surgeries present many benefits over “open” surgeries, in that they do not leave large noticeable scars, they reduce healing time, and they allow for a less painful recovery process. There are some risks involved in weight loss surgery as with any other general surgery. During the initial consultation with Dr. Feiz, a thorough evaluation is carried out regarding the patient’s medical history, psychological state, and ultimately, the patient’s eligibility for weight loss surgery. If eligible, the pros and cons of each surgery for weight loss in Beverly Hills are discussed, and a conclusion is made as to which weight loss surgery is most beneficial to the patient.

Dr. Feiz’s office for weight loss Beverly Hills is distinguished by a dedicated team of surgeons, nurses, and nutritionists who are passionate about the well being of every patient. To find out if weight loss surgery is right for you, please call and schedule a consultation.

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